$50,000 Major Community Projects

The Horsham Sports & Community Club Board of Directors are delighted to announce that they have allocated $50,000 towards Major Community Projects.

The nominated projects must meet the following criteria:

-Be to benefit the wider community, not directed to any particular sporting, community, social or economic group.
-In the opinion of the Board of Directors, have a high visibility and benefit within the wider community.
-In the opinion of the Board of Directors, be within the area supported by the Club.

The Following Community Projects have been shortlisted, and now it is up to the members to vote for the project they would like to receive the $50,000.

Members can vote below or at Horsham Sports & Community Club.

-Each financial member receives one vote.
-Type details precisely the same as printed on your member’s card.
-Voting is final and can not be changed once submitted.

-Voting is open from 9am the 10th of September 2024 untill 5pm the 6th of October 2024

-Enter your membership number, first name & last name as printed on your members card.



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The Christian Emergency Food Centre exists to provide, in the name of Jesus Christ, emergency relief and other assistance to people in need. We seek to uphold the human dignity of our clients and treat them with compassion and understanding. As part of our operations we are continually collecting generous donations from Horsham’s three supermarkets, local bakers, and other businesses, schools or community groups. Horsham Sports and Community Club and the Church of Christ provide us with prepared cooked meals for our clients. Our volunteers are currently using their own vehicles on a daily basis for this purpose. Some of these vehicles are limited and not very suitable for the task. The CEFC would like to purchase a commercial van that volunteers can use for these food collections. This will allow for easier collection of donated and purchased goods. The transport of these goods will also be safer. Because of restraints with space, some of our non-perishable foods need to be stored off-site. A vehicle will assist us to transport these goods from storage to the Food Centre as required.

Project Cost

  • Total project cost $50,000.00
  • Other cash contribution Running costs (estimated): $5,000.00 per annum
  • In kind contribution Volunteer time for collections

The Lake Marma Committee of Management wishes to install an innovative water playground feature in a new recreational facility being developed in the north-west corner of the Lake Marma Reserve in Murtoa. The innovative water playground will be set in an attractive tree lined location overlooking Lake Marma and is a key feature of the overall development of this area for the benefit of the community. Other phases of the overall project include an installed sprinkler system, which has been installed, to provide an attractive year-round recreational facility together with BBQ, shelter (already erected), landscaping, and park furniture to facilitate outdoor dining. The addition of water play facilities in this location will provide a significant enhancement recreational facility with a specific focus on the needs of young children and their families in this rural area.

Project Cost

  • Total project cost Up to $60,000
  • Other cash contribution $8,000
  • In kind contribution $6,000


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